Keynote Speaker

Michelle Kawamura is a professor at the School of Economics at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. She holds a doctoral degree in Education with a focus on materials development. Her research interests include cross-cultural relationships and the use of technology to facilitate language and cultural learning. She has conducted several collaborative research projects with universities abroad, using technology as a means of communication to study changes in students’ motivation to use a foreign language when given the opportunity, as well as their language proficiency after the research period. Currently, she teaches socio-economic issues and cultures in English to university students, with the aim of exposing them to different social and cultural issues internationally, broadening their perspectives, and fostering critical thinking skills. She believes that critical thinking is an essential skill for all individuals.

Sustainable Energy and Social Inclusion: Bringing Awareness to our Students
The theme of this conference, “Sustainable Energy and Social Inclusion: Innovation, Impact, and Co-building the Future,” explores the intricate interplay between sustainable energy, social inclusion, and innovation. It underscores the transformative potential of sustainable energy solutions, particularly renewable energy, in driving expansive social change, fostering innovation, creating jobs, promoting gender equality, and enhancing civic participation. As an educator at my university, I am tasked with instilling this awareness in my students. While authoring textbooks on sustainable energy, gender equality, and social issues, I find myself in the dual role of a learner and an educator. In my speech, I will delve into the socio-economic and environmental impacts of an energy transition, such as long-term savings, economic growth, job creation, improved human welfare, reduced air pollution, and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. I invite the audience to actively participate in this transition and join hands in co-building a sustainable future.
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