9th ICEEPS @Okinawa, 8 / 8 - 10, 2024 

International Conference on Education, Economics, 

Psychology and Social Science

Sustainable Energy and Social Inclusion : Innovation, Impact, and Co-building the Future

In August, Okinawa boasts vibrant coral reefs, pristine beaches, and cultural festivals, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and traditional charm, and HEF has chosen this poetic season to invite you to participate in our 2024 WORLD TALK, WE TALK series of seminars held in Okinawa, Japan. The seminar will be held in Okinawa from August 8th to 10th, 2024. We welcome submissions and participation from academia and industry. The theme of this year is "Sustainable Energy and Social Inclusion : Innovation, Impact, and Co-Building the Future."

Special Session

Sustainable Energy and Social Inclusion: Innovation, Impact, and Co-building the Future

The theme underscores the importance of integrating sustainable energy practices with a focus on social inclusion. By bringing together experts, researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders, we aim to foster a dynamic platform for discussions on groundbreaking innovations, their real-world impact, and the collaborative effort needed to shape a sustainable future. Through engaging discussions, shared insights, and collaborative initiatives, we believe this conference will serve as a catalyst for positive change. We encourage participants to actively contribute to the discourse, sharing their knowledge and experiences to collectively address the challenges posed by the intersection of sustainable energy and social inclusion.

By co-building the future, we envision a society where energy solutions are not only technologically advanced but also socially inclusive, ensuring that the benefits of progress are accessible to all. We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey, where your contributions will play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future for generations to come. Together, let us explore new horizons and pave the way for a brighter and greener future.

If you have additional questions, please contact conference staffs at : iceeps@iceeps.org

Local Host Carl Bastian

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Carl is the Managing Director of non-profit Okinawa Coastal Protection Alliance (OCPA) , which brings likeminded marine conservationists together under a combined voice for enacting positive change in policy by actively engaging with the fisheries industry and local government to address environmental concerns and implement more sustainable practices. 

He also founded the Okinawa Sea Turtle Conservation NPO CHURAMURA in 2020– a grassroots team of over 30 volunteers who are hands-on, passionate and dedicated, coordinating prefecture wide efforts to protect the endangered Sea Turtle nesting and feeding habitats through outreach and community engagement. Their goals include creating a marine conservation education center along with Japan's first ever Sea Turtle Rescue Center and the establishment of Japan's first Sea Turtle coastal protected Sanctuary for nesting mothers. Please follow and support their work here : www.churamura.org 



Naha, Okinawa's capital, is a city steeped in history and culture. Once a key port in the Ryukyu Kingdom, it blends traditional influences with modern dynamism. Shuri Castle, a UNESCO site, reflects its royal past. Today, Naha boasts a mix of red-tiled roofs and skyscrapers, with Kokusai Street offering a lively showcase of local life. Explore the Tsuboya Pottery District, indulge in Eisa dance, and savor unique Okinawan cuisine. Naha serves as a gateway to Okinawa's natural beauty, with pristine beaches and historic sites like Shikina-en Garden. Okinawa emerges as a captivating island, harmonizing its historical legacy with contemporary allure.

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From April 25th, 2024
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June 8th, 2024
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Conference Dates
August 8th-10th, 2024
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